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How To Car Camp In The Winter

How To Car Camp In The Winter

how to winter car camp

1. Water - before going to bed pour some into your cook pot for tea or coffee in the morning so when you wake up and your water jug is frozen solid you can still cook. Better yet put a jug in your front seat of your car if there's space.

2. Put anything you want to stay un-frozenish or frost free / soaking wet into your cooler, a food box, under a tarp or in your vehicle. The beers in your cooler won't freeze as the cooler will actually protect them from freezing night air. 

3. The night before cover some coals with rocks for a quick fire restart in the morning. 

4. Bring a Towel - your windows will be totally covered in ice, on the inside of your car from the moisture in your breath. As those beautiful crystals melt it'll drip water all over your sleeping bag. Open all your doors to allow it to vent out once you wake up. 

5. Sleep with the clothes you want the next day in your sleeping bag (I push them to the bottom for foot warmth), this way you don't put on freezing cold pants etc on. and you can dress basically inside your sleeping bag.

6. Stick a lighter in the pocket of the clothes your sleeping with from tip 5, low pressure cold gas doesn't light well so this helps things in the morning. 

7. Frozen olive oil? Pour some of that warm water into a bowl and set your oil canister in it.

8. Even guide books will freeze, it's all part of the adventure.

winter car camping



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  • Bryant AuCoin
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