Sandwich Board Trailhead Campaign
We made these illustrated sandwich boards to let hikers know right as they hit the trail how best to deal with their toilet paper and poop. Most people are good, and want to do good all they need is a bit of know-how.
Hikers going out to enjoy our beautiful lands are finding themselves ill-prepared to deal with the fact that nature calls on the trail. They're leaving used toilet paper and ground poops behind in growing quantities.
Used toilet paper and ground poops have become one of the biggest problems to land managers and trail crews throughout our National Forest. The level of E. Coli is building in the rivers below trailheads that we all play in and which mountain towns pull their drinking water from.
From 2019 to 2020 the number of hikers has doubled, at a minimum, on public lands like the San Juan National Forest. Used TP & ground poops are becoming a real problem.
Since we need to physically deploy these sandwich boards to trail heads throughout a wide area we've partnered with the below organizations to get them out into the wild on a daily basis with the support of their trail crews. Sticker Art will be partnering with as many organizations as possible to help this idea spread wherever it's needed and will change the wording to match the best LNT practices for that ecosystem.
Sticker Art donated the capital to get this sandwich board idea off the ground and now we're going to be raising funds through a variety of ways like product sales, grants and donations from sponsors to get more of these boards out to trail heads