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the latest awesome stuff

In this edition of the Latest & Greatest we're covering some simple tips and luxuries that are nice to have in the backcountry. 

Butterscotch - really great little moral pick-me-up while mid hike. We had a random fellow hiker offer us some at a creek crossing and it made a real impact on our group energy & mood. Fits in your hip pouch which is nice. 

Goal Zero phone charger - good for nearly one full recharge, it's nice to have especially if you like using your phone camera in the backcountry and the GPS app below. 

Topo Maps App (GPS App) - I know you're thinking "why would I get a topo map application for my phone when no-doubt I won't have service wherever I want to use it?" ...because it apparently doesn't matter - I've used this thing continuously throughout the SouthWest with "No Service" and it still is able to tell me within a hundred feet where I'm at. You download the maps ahead of time and it overlays your position on them. It's sorta amazing but clearly bring an actual map with you.

Bring Tweezers with you. You'll be happy you did. 

Tasty Bites Vegi Korma - add this to some couscous, olive oil and cheese. It's about a 2 minute prep time if you're using a JetBoil and seriously satisfying after a long day hiking. 

Yum Butter - super yummy while hiking food. Or just sitting in front of a computer. 

Dehydrated Hummus - go to the bulk section of your local (hopefully somewhat organic granola) grocery store, this stuff is crazy cheap and amazing when doing anything outside, just add water. 

Tail Wind - some tasty and not totally sugar filled electrolyte powder, made in Colorado by trail running athletes. Seems to really help keep your energy up. 

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  • Bryant AuCoin
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